Sunday 27 April 2003

Glasgow is short of workers!

Glasgow's plans for fixing its 80,000 council houses have ran into difficulty:
Employers in Voluntary Housing (EVH) say the lack of project managers to oversee such massive programmes could mean they are seriously delayed or not delivered at all.
The project managers are people with skills that may well be rare but what about this:
But even if Scotland had the project managers, doubts are growing about the ability of the construction industry to find the skilled workers required to do the job. The average age for a Scottish construction worker is 48 and the level of apprenticeship places is low.

Glasgow alone currently has a shortage of 6,500 construction workers, mainly joiners, bricklayers, roofers, electricians, plumbers and labourers.

Glasgow has an unemployment rate of 10% (2000-01), so why on earth is there a shortage of construction workers, including labourers? I thought that Gordon Brown's plan was to end our welfare culture. I must have missed something.